Customer Testimonials

I have worked with Tyler for all of my insurance needs for years. He is knowledgeable and provides quick service when I am truly in need. We’ve gotten the best policies and rates for our family’s needs, and I often refer my clients to Tyler for home owners policies – because time and time again he proves to have the best rates and no hassle results.

– Nic Lind, Broker Principal at Commencement Bay Brokers, LLC


Tyler is always an expert in all things insurance. I’ve exclusivley worked with Tyler for years and when it comes to insurance, I do nothing without his consultation. Consumate professional and expert in what he does!

– Matt Hagen, Senior Vice President at Kidder Mathews


Tyler goes the “extra-mile” to provide excellent results. He beat my past costs by neary 50%! He has gained a life-long satisfied customer.

– Frank Knight, Associate Liaison at Citizenre


Tyler Kerlee is the type of insurance agent that everyone should have. Consistently working to help improve your insurance profile and relying information on possible plans that might work for your situation without the salesman attitude. As a family man himself he understands the needs and has the experience to recommend the best options for whatever coverage you are looking for. I would recommend Tyler Kerlee as your insurance agent.

– Ben Thomas, Seattle Branch Manager at Brinks Global Services Inc.


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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Path Insurance Solutions is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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